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GDPR - 4 days to go and 4 easy steps to take…

Byaqs |NewsMarketingFundraisingConsultancyCreative |21 May 2018

It’s been almost two years since the EU adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to replace the 1995 Data Protection Directive and in the intervening 24 months there has been much industry speculation about what a post GDPR marketing world will look like.

  • Positive-thinkers are embracing the opportunities it will afford them to use creativity of mind in their marketing campaigns, enabling them to really focus on an audience that they know is interested in what they have to say.
  • Sceptics suggest that the marketing industry will have its hands tied so tightly behind its back that the concept of contacting supporters and customers will be virtually impossible and charities and organisations alike will struggle to exist.
  • Scaremongers have been offering to provide over-priced and under-informed training and data solutions, over-hyping the potential issues of non-compliance.
  • The ICO have been saying that they will work with you and that punitive action will be used sparingly for only the worst offenders.

But, with all these different opinions, let’s be honest, what really matters is this…

… As a data subject what I expect from you is that you will:

  1. Tell me what you are going to do with my data if I supply it to you
  2. Only do what you have said above – don’t do anything else with it without seeking my permission
  3. Store it safely
  4. Tell me quickly if something goes wrong

Do this and I’ll trust you; I’ll want to continue and build a relationship with you.

Four easy steps. Four days to go. GDPR – 25th May 2018

Are you ready? 

If you want to build stronger relationships with your donors or customers in a post GDPR world, talk to our team today.

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