What talents are you hiding?
ByClaire Fuller |MarketingFundraisingCreativeDigitalPrintMailingNewsConsultancy |10 June 2019How many times have you found yourself saying to a friend or relative, “I never knew you could do that?”
I used to be surprised when I’d discover the “hidden talent” of a friend: Learning that they had a great aptitude for sewing, were a talented singer, a skilled sportsman, or perhaps a selfless charity volunteer. However, as time passes, I’ve reached the conclusion that as I often seem to hear about these quiet gifts this must mean that people simply don’t shout about what they’re great at!
Many people prefer to act quietly and diligently on their own, not seeking recognition or praise for what they’re doing. However, whilst being humble can be a more desirable quality than displaying too much pride or arrogance, surely there comes a point where we’re not sharing our skills and talents or helping others as much as we could, because people simply don’t know what we are capable of.
This thought crossed my mind as I reviewed the responses to our annual customer satisfaction survey. Yeomans has been around for more than 15 years, and it’s really encouraging to see that 93% of people who completed our survey this year rated the service they’d received from us as outstanding or very good! What surprised me however was how many people didn’t know about the full range of services we offer.
I had assumed that with our history and desire to build long-term relationships with clients, people would naturally know about the whole range of services we offer, but now it’s clear…
…People only know about what you tell them, or what they’ve experienced themselves.
We’ve been privileged to build long-term relationships with many clients over the years, often becoming their preferred supplier when it comes to meeting a certain marketing or fundraising need, however it’s apparent that we may not have been as clear as we could be regarding the range of additional services we can offer to help organisations make even more of a difference.
We’re not ones to “blow our own trumpet” but over the next few weeks we’ll be turning the spotlight onto each of our services in turn, sharing some examples of our work and highlighting the varied ways that our team delights in being able to support and equip others in their life-transforming work.
We’re constantly developing our expertise but always strive to stay true to our mission to meet the needs of charities in communicating their messages to inspire, motivate and deepen support. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to hear all about how our team can support and meet the needs of your team with:
- Design
- Mailing
- Data Processing and Enhancement
- Website development and hosting
- Social Media
- PR
- Marketing Consultancy
- Fundraising Consultancy
- Trust Fundraising
- Pick and Pack
- Event Management
- Training Workshops and Masterclasses
If you’d like to discuss and explore ways that we could work together to help you meet your goals and achieve your vision, please contact us today, we’d love to help you raise awareness and see your impact grow even more.
Photo by Samuel Castro on Unsplash